1. Privacy If your room is too dirty to open the door, it highly discourages family from coming in unannounced: or at all. When the clothi...

13 Reasons Why it’s Good to Be Messy

1. Privacy If your room is too dirty to open the door, it highly discourages family from coming in unannounced: or at all. When the clothing and mess covering your floor space is so sprawling that you have to play hopscotch between parts of floor, you’re probably the only person willing to deal with traversing the mess! 2. Convenience So say you need the green shirt that you wore 3 days ago, a history book and your power drill. In most households, you’d be going three different spots for these items. In a messy household, there’s a good likelihood all of those things will be piled on top of a futon or chair that serves as the “current events desk”. Messy may be messy but it isn’t necessarily disorganized. 3. Adaptability of Function Cleaning up a mess to most people means sorting, picking up and actually ‘cleaning’. To someone who keeps a messy area, it means taking a giant lump of stuff in an inconvenient place, and picking it all up only to lump it in another, equally inconvenient place. What’s the difference? What area you need at the given time – messes don’t clean, they just get re-positioned! 4. Knowing Where Everything Is Not terribly unlike the assorted piles where all needed items co-exist, the messy person’s room is actually entirely cataloged in their brain. If something needs to be “found” chances are the messy person already knows where it is and could retrieve it from their “pit of madness” within just a couple of minutes. 5. A Clean Room is Hard to Find Things In When your room actually gets cleaned, you find that all of a sudden you can’t find anything and all of the important things that you could easily retrieve prior to cleaning have magically disappeared into the cleanliness of the new room… It sucks losing things in a clean spot but if you’re used to a mess, it’s inevitable. 6. When Messy is Mandatory So in some cases, it’s actually socially appropriate to be a messy person: for instance, eating hot wings or ribs. When such obvious double standards exist in the world, it’s no wonder that messy people get defensive over others telling them to clean up! 7. “Gifting” Yourself Things Within Your Mess This happens to people who aren’t even messy – who’s done laundry only to find a wad of cash in a pocket that you hadn’t checked? Messy people do the same thing within the confines of their “den”. If something gets left on the floor or buried beneath clothing, when it’s found again, it’s almost like it’s brand new and you just got it! 8. Messy Can By Stylish OK, granted – no one is going to look at your messy room and say, “Wow, how stylish!” Still, messy is becoming more fashion forward and as more people lose motivation to remain crisp and clean in all facets of life, messy living will only become more and more embraced. Messy wardrobe and messy hair today… Messy room and messy house tomorrow! 9. Save Time by Not Cleaning Messy people aren’t dumb: we realize that it takes time to clean up after ourselves and we’re saving those precious minutes and hours to do with as we please. Maybe we spent another hour in bed. Maybe we’re playing video games. Either way, it’s more important than cleaning and we’re not going to stop whatever we’re doing to pick up socks off our floor… 10. Car? You Mean Closet on Wheels? Cars are great for transportation and also for storing all of the trash and items that you collect during your travels. Sometimes you’ll find months old fast food bags. Other times you may find the phone charger that you bought and thought that you immediately “lost”. No matter what you find, it’s probably in your car, and it’s probably buried under heaps of other stuff. 11. Getting Dressed with Floor Clothing Why bother rifling through your closet or your drawers when there are “only worn once” wardrobe gems littering the floor of your room? Jump out of bed, grab the first garments you see as you groggily get up and throw them on for another day of barely functional living! 12. Messy Chic IS a Thing Regardless of what people tell you, a messy look can actually be stylish and socially acceptable. Granted, that doesn’t do anything for your messy room and house, but for your own personal appearance, you can always claim to be fashion-forward rather than just a messy scrub. 13. Don’t Stress the Small Stuff Messy people don’t usually sweat the small stuff. They understand that there are bigger things to worry about than getting all the cat hair off their shirt or being able to see all of their floor through their clothing and assorted items. If you’re messy, don’t worry! Be happy.


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