These 14 Father’s Day Cards Will Definitely Make Your Dad Laugh! The Father’s Day is a celebration, honoring the relationship betwee...

These 14 Father’s Day Cards Will Definitely Make Your Dad Laugh!

The Father’s Day is a celebration, honoring the relationship between the children and their fathers. Just like on Mother’s Day we praise the mothers. Usually on this day, fathers receive different presents from their families, thus bringing them closer together. Here you will find one of the funniest Father’s Day cards which will make you laugh!

1. My dad’s a cut above the rest…

The humans are created this way. Most of you will have heard the maxim “Mine is better than yours”. Bearing that in mind, I would say that this child will be one of a dude! Good job, buddy, I used to be the same.

2. Best Dad Ever. (No joke!)

Is there a reason for us to think it’s a joke? Now, that looks suspicious. The kid, definitely knows how to attract the attention. You agree, don’t you?

3. Dad, I am glad…

If it wasn’t the specification about inheriting the taste for beer, I would have thought that the girl just likes rhymes (e.g. “Dad I am glad…”). But as I realized that this was not the case, I would say that the girl just loves beers… as well as her dad. How strange is that!

4. Dad, you are tea-rrific!

It’s a tea thing. Maybe this kid has seen his father drinking too much tea. It gets tough when two or more people love drinking tea as per household. I am sure they have had an argument with this.

5. Thanks for not pulling out, dad.

How this child can be sure that his dad was not the one who was pulling out? Well, I think this father turns out to be the real deal in the gym.

6. You are one Dapper dad!

Dapper dads are rare nowadays. This dad should have taken almost all of the responsibilities for child care. Is his wife missing or something?

7. Always been so stylish

I like these fancy sandals! I think the home this kid lives in, lacks any kind of smelly feet. Well, I hope this father does not wear his socks while sleeping.

8. You are my Prince

Could a father really looks like a Prince in his child’s eyes. Well, only if the child is a girl and has received her crown beforehand. I do not remember calling mine a prince, though.

9. Not the worst

This kid really got to love its father. Likening your parent to some kind of a bad superhero, could only mean two simple things:
1) The father has been either too good
2) Too bad.
However, he still would get a card for the Father’s Day.

10. I am 50% You.

And the rest goes to… the mom, I am guessing!? I bet this child has passed the elementary school classes. How do I know that? Well, using percentage in a sentence, identifies that this child has got skills! Now, I am not just guessing, I am a 100% sure! These parents should be proud of their kid.

11. Thanks for not treating me like a girl

I have been taught in the university that leading questions or assuming is wrong when creating a questionnaire. Well, I am neither asking a question nor assuming. Just wondering what will be the dad’s reaction after seeing this.

12. I got you a card.

This should have been a very long-awaited Father’s Day card. So I think that whoever father gets this, should be very happy with his card. Or am I the only one thinking this?

13. You have always been just like a Dad to me

This starts getting too weird. I am not exactly sure if the child’s mother likes bringing people home when the actual father has been sent on a business trip. What a coincidence. How could he miss the Father’s day… at home!?

14. Happy Father’s Day

I read somewhere that the green color has a sedative effect on our psychic. Maybe this kid has read it, too. I do not believe that Its father may be possibly pay more attention to their dog.


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